HSVD based signal filter described in: Barkhuijsen H, de Beer R, van Ormondt D. Improved algorithm for noniterative and timedomain model fitting to exponentially damped magnetic resonance signals. J Magn Reson 1987;73:553-557.
xlim = c(-30, 30),
comps = 40,
irlba = TRUE,
max_damp = 10,
scale = "hz",
return_model = FALSE
MRS data to be filtered.
frequency range to filter, default units are Hz which can be changed to ppm using the "scale" argument.
number of Lorentzian components to use for modelling.
option to use irlba SVD (logical).
maximum allowable damping factor.
either "hz" or "ppm" to set the frequency units of xlim.
by default the filtered spectrum is returned. Set return_model to TRUE to return the HSVD model of the data.
filtered data or model depending on the return_model argument.