Plot an interactive slice map from a data array where voxels can be selected to display a corresponding spectrum.
map = NULL,
xlim = NULL,
slice = 1,
zlim = NULL,
mask_map = NULL,
denom = NULL,
mask_cutoff = 20,
interp = 1,
mode = "re",
y_scale = FALSE,
ylim = NULL,
coil = 1,
fd = TRUE
spectral data.
array of values to be plotted, defaults to the integration of the modulus of the full spectral width.
spectral region to plot.
the slice index to plot.
smallest and largest values to be plotted.
matching map with logical values to indicate if the corresponding values should be plotted.
map to use as a denominator.
minimum values to plot (as a percentage of the maximum).
map interpolation factor.
representation of the complex spectrum to be plotted, can be one of: "re", "im", "mod" or "arg".
option to display the y-axis values (logical).
intensity range to plot.
coil element to plot.
display data in the frequency-domain (default), or time-domain (logical).