Note this function is still under development and liable to changes.
w_ref = NULL,
output_dir = NULL,
basis = NULL,
p_vols = NULL,
append_basis = NULL,
remove_basis = NULL,
dfp_corr = FALSE,
omit_bad_dynamics = FALSE,
te = NULL,
tr = NULL,
output_ratio = "tCr",
ecc = FALSE,
abfit_opts = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
filepath or mrs_data object containing MRS metabolite data.
filepath or mrs_data object containing MRS water reference data.
directory path to output fitting results.
precompiled basis set object to use for analysis.
a numeric vector of partial volumes expressed as percentages. Defaults to 100% white matter. A voxel containing 100% gray matter tissue would use : p_vols = c(WM = 0, GM = 100, CSF = 0).
names of extra signals to add to the default basis. Eg append_basis = c("peth", "cit"). Cannot be used with precompiled basis sets.
names of signals to remove from the basis. Cannot be used with precompiled basis sets.
perform dynamic frequency and phase correction using the RATS method.
detect and remove bad dynamics.
metabolite mrs data echo time in seconds. If not supplied this will be guessed from the metab data file.
metabolite mrs data repetition time in seconds. If not supplied this will be guessed from the metab data file.
optional string to specify a metabolite ratio to output. Defaults to "tCr" and multiple metabolites may be specified for multiple outputs. Set as NULL to omit.
option to perform water reference based eddy current correction, defaults to FALSE.
options to pass to ABfit.
output potentially useful information.
metab <- system.file("extdata", "philips_spar_sdat_WS.SDAT",
package = "spant")
w_ref <- system.file("extdata", "philips_spar_sdat_W.SDAT",
package = "spant")
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
fit_result <- svs_1h_brain_analysis(metab, w_ref, "fit_res_dir")
} # }